Visualize your FIX logs online FREE


Fix Log Checker helps you easily visualise your logs online for free. This tool is currently in beta testing it supports FIX dictionaries 4.0 to 5.0. Please get in touch if you find any errors or have any requests for features to be added.

Recent Changes

- 14-Sep-2016: Fixed bug when sharing messages with quotes
- 13-Feb-2014: Auto expand messages
- 10-Oct-2013: Ability to delete individual message from ui
- 31-Jan-2013: Handle expired shared logs
- 28-Jan-2013: Added the ability to share your log files
- 26-Jan-2013: FIX 5.0 is now supported
- 07-Dec-2012: Various Bug Fixes

The Fix Log Checker Tool was developed by Redev LTD, who specialise in financial systems, SaaS websites and consultancy. For more information please visit the Redev website.